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Look through the Apache County, State of Arizona Treasurer listing by the owner name, address or parcel number for assessor information.
Look through the Apache County, State of Arizona Treasurer listing by either the owner name, address or parcel number for the property sales and information.
Glance through the Coconino County, State of Arizona website for property information by either the parcel number, owner name, or date range to obtain property data and interactive geographic information system (GIS) interactive maps.
Gather information on foreclosed properties in the State of Arizona by using the county.
Locate the Gila County, State of Arizona Assessor's records for property information by either using the parcel number, address, or owner name.
Look through the Graham County, State of Arizona property assessor listing by name, address or even the parcel number to obtain corresponding information, improvements, sales, assessment/value info, legal description and any other details.
View information from the Graham County, State of Arizona website for property information by owner name, parcel name, or address, and view interactive GIS maps.
Information is provided by the Kingman, State of Arizona. View this website to browse through basic property information by Site APN, Site Address or Owner Name.
Information is provided by the Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office. View in the State of Arizona land patent records and transfer of public lands to private ownership by either the name. Information gives document summary, legal description, and also the document image.
Browse through the Maricopa County, State of Arizona Assessor listing for property records. Locate by either the parcel number, address, last name & street, or by also the subdivision name.
Browse through the Maricopa County, State of Arizona treasurer real and personal property listing by parcel number and to obtain information on parcel and related tax information.
Gather information for the Maricopa County, State of Arizona interactive Geographical Information System by the parcel number, address, owner or also by the subdivision.
Browse through the Mohave County Assessor content by either the parcel number, name, or address for real property information in Mohave County, State of Arizona.
Information is provided by the Mohave County, State of Arizona Assessor. Obtain information for county land information by using the parcel plat, railroad, record of survey, right of way, subdivision, and also survey maps.
Information is provided by the Mohave County, State of Arizona Assessor. Locate information by the parcel number for property sale history including owner, sale date, and also the sale price.
Information is given by the Mohave County, State of Arizona Treasurer. Obtain information for the Treasurer's tax sale by parcel.
Locate information on your property tax status in Mohave County, State of Arizona by either using the parcel number, name or also the address.
Look through the Navajo County, State of Arizona assessor listing by either the owner name, address or parcel number to obtain corresponding information, value, sales, improvement, zoning and also the legal description.
View the website of the Pima County, State of Arizona Assessor's Office to locate information for property records in Pima County, State of Arizona by either the parcel number, name, situs, subdivision name, map & plat, or Township/range/section. Sometimes this site takes a few minutes to open .
Browse through the Pima County, State of Arizona real estate property tax inquiry by either the book/map/parcel number, tax year, or also the date.
View the Pinal County, State of Arizona Assessor records for property information by either the owner name, section/township/range, cabinet/slide/lot or subdivision name. It works best in IE.
Information is provided by the Pinal County, State of Arizona Assessor. View this website to obtain information for the most current information regarding Personal Property on file with the Assessor by either the owner's name, parcel number, taxpayer ID or property address.
Look throug the Pinal County, State of Arizona treasurer listing by either the parcel/tax ID number "to determine the various parcels that have been created or have been deleted due to the parcel splitting."
Look through the Pinal County, State of Arizona treasurer listing by the taxpayer's name or parcel/tax ID number to obtain corresponding information, legal description, value and also tax info.
Go through the Pinal County, State of Arizona Treasurer listing by the owner's name, parcel number, or lien amount for tax liens in Pinal County.
Go through your tax payment history in Pinal County, State of Arizona by either using your tax payer id or book/map/parcel.
Information given by Prescott Valley State of Arizona Financial Services Department. Gather information by the 5 digit assessment number or the 10 digit property number. Information gives Payoff Amounts, Current Amount Due and Current Repayment Schedules.
Look through the Santa Cruz County, State of Arizona Assessor's records to obtain property information by either the parcel number, address, or owner name.
Browse the Scottsdale, State of Arizona property tax records by assessment or property number. It requires registration.
Information is provided by Show Low GIS Department. Look for property information in Show Low, State of Arizona by the address, parcel ID or owner name.
Browse through the Tucson, State of Arizona property listing by address, activity number or parcel number.
Browse the Tucson, State of Arizona GIS website for commercial and industrial property information by type, size, address or the parcel number.
Select "Quick Parcel Search" to browse the Yavapai County, State of Arizona Assessor records for property information by using the parcel number.
Look through the Yavapai County, State of Arizona listing of property tax sales to obtain information including parcel number, subdivision, lot, description, book/page, former owner and also the minimum bid.
Observe this interactive map website for property records in the Yavapai County, State of Arizona by either the parcel number, address, owner name, or also by the subdivision.
Look through the Yavapai County, State of Arizona property tax information by using the parcel number, taxpayer number, owner name, or the owner mailing address.
Locate information from the Yuma County, State of Arizona Assessor records on all property.