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Choose Arizona as the "Issue" state, or enter "AZ" for information on the last known residence or last known benefit to look through the Social Security death index for Arizona deaths.
Information provided by the Arizona Court of Appeals, Division One. Information can be found under "Active Case" select "List" then "Criminal" etc. to look through a listing of active cases; or in the left column, select "Search" to conduct a word search of active cases.
Go through the Arizona civil, corporate commission, criminal, habeas corpus, industrial commission, juvenile, mental health, special action, tax, and also unemployment board court of appeals opinions.
Browse through a listing of recent memorandum decisions from Division One of the Arizona Court of Appeals.
Information is provided by the Arizona Court of Appeals, Division Two. View this website for case information by either using the case type, year, number, or title, filing date, county, trial judge or trial court case ; or select the case type and year to search the listing.
Browse through a listing of the most recent civil, corporate commission, criminal, habeas corpus, industrial commission, juvenile, mental health or any special action appeals court decisions in Arizona. Information provides a specific description of each opinion.
Go through a listing of recent memorandum decisions from thew Division Two of the Arizona Court of Appeals.
Browse through the superior and municipal civil, criminal, and family court case information in Arizona.
Provided by: U.S. Middle District Court of Arizona. Register with the fee-based PACER system to search for Federal civil & criminal court records by case number, party name, filing date, or last update. Provides dockets and documents.
Information is provided by the U.S. District Court for the State of Arizona. Need to register with the fee-based PACER system to obtain information for Federal bankruptcy court records by either using the case number, name, SSN/Tax ID, or case type. It provides dockets and documents.
Obatain information from the Arizona Supreme Court Opinions website from 1998 through to the present.View instructions that included the effective keyword searches.
Browse through for information on licensed accountants in the State of Arizona.
Look through the State of Arizona Accountant or browse also for the CPA licenses to obtain information on any Disciplinary Actions taken against them.
Go through the Confidential Intermediary Program of the State of Arizona information provides a website to help facilitate contact between adoptive parents, adopted individuals, birth parents and siblings" while also continuing to protect the states records and when needed to be the parent/individual anonymity.
Locate by using the name for licensed Advance Fee Brokers in the State of Arizona. Content that is provided is the name, home office number, address & phone, and also the date started.
Go through the State of Arizona Department of Agricultures listing for information on Pesticide Aerial Applicator Pilots by either using the license number, name, zip code or can also be viewed by the city to obtain corresponding information, address and license effective also the expiration dates.
View this State of Arizona Department of Agriculture listing of growers with permits by either using the name, permit number, city or also the zip code.
Look through this State of Arizona website for ambulatory surgical centers and hospital facilities.
Look through the Apache County, State of Arizona Treasurer listing by the owner name, address or parcel number for assessor information.
Look through the Apache County, State of Arizona Treasurer listing by either the owner name, address or parcel number for the property sales and information.
Look through for the recorded documents in Apache County, State of Arizona by either the reception #, book & page, name, lot/block/subdivision, section/township/range, or also by the parcel number. Information provides file date, document number, grantor, grantee, and also the document type.
Locate the Apache County, State of Arizona recorded document (deeds, mortgages, liens, etc.) listing by either the reception date, document type, document name, or the legal description.
Choose the State of Arizona in the field to use this Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council website to search for licensed appraisers in the State of Arizona.
Browse through the Arizona Board of Technical Registration's directory of licensed architects by either using the last name, registration # and/or zip code or also by searching the alphabetical index to obtain corresponding information, address, license status and also dates registered.
Search through this State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration listing by either using the name for delinquent or lapse jeopardy Architect licensees.
Browse through the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listing of licensed architecture firms by either the name and/or zip code or search by alphabetical index to obtain information including the firm name, services offered, officers, address and # of branches.
Search the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listings for licensed assayers by either using the last name, registration # and/or zip code or search also by index to obtain corresponding information, address, license status and dates registered.
Look t hrough the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration listing by the name for delinquent or lapse jeopardy Assayer licensees.
Browse through the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listing of licensed assaying firms by either the name and/or zip code or locate by using the alphabetical index to obtain information including the firm name, services offered, officers, address and # of branches.
Go through the listing of the State of Arizona Assisted Living Examiners by either the provider name, licensee name, address, city, zip code and/or license type for enforcement actions. Information provides the name, certification number, complaint number, findings, and also the board action.
Look up information on licensed Assisted Living Facilities in State of Arizona by either the provider name, address, city, zip code, or provider type. Information includes Adult Day Health Care, Adult Foster Care, and Residential Care Institutions.
Look up Licensed Attorneys in State of Arizona by either the name, firm/organization, practice area, specialization, section membership, languages, jurisdiction, law school, city, state, and/or county.
Look for Licensed State of Arizona state bar attorney discipline summaries by the year.
Locate licensed Audiologists in State of Arizona by either name, address, city, zip code, and or the provider type.
Locate Licensed State of Arizona Department of Financial Institutions licensed state chartered banks.
Lookup the directory of State of Arizona Behavioral Health Examiners by either the provider name, licensee name, address, city, zip code and/or license type for enforcement actions. Information on provides the name, certification number, complaint number, findings, and board action.
Select a zipped dbase3, pdf, or txt file to browse or look for licensed Behavioral Health Facilities in the State of Arizona. Information includes Behavioral Health Hospitals, Juvenile Group Homes, and Domestic Violence Facilities.
Lookup in Arizona birth, baptism, and christening records that covers the period year 1909-1917.
Lookup the most wanted fugitive files from the Bullhead City, State of Arizona Police Department.
Locate the State of Arizona Department of Agricultures listing of Certified Private & Commercial Pesticide Applicators by either the last name, certified applicator number, City/Zip Code, category, or browse for upcoming applicator Courses.
Select "Directory of Certified Fiduciaries" in the left-hand column to search through the list of certified private fiduciaries in the State of Arizona. Information provides contact information, county, license number and certification type.
Look through the State of Arizona State Board of Accountancy for licensed Certified Public Accountanting (CPA) fims.
Browse through the State of Arizona State Board of Accountancy for licensed Certified Public Accountants (CPAs).
Search the Chandler State of Arizona Municipal Court calendar by either the name or date.
Look through the Chandler, State of Arizona Municipal Court records by either using the name or case number.
Select the most wanted link to view this Chandler most wanted listing. Information includes the name, photo/sketch, physical description, charges and also the case details.
Look up the charter schools in State of Arizona by either the school name, sponsor name, site name, city, county or also the zip code.
Search the directory of State of Arizona Child Care Examiners by provider name, licensee name, address, city, zip code and/or license type for enforcement actions. Provides the name, certification number, complaint number, findings, and board action.
View this download by either a zipped dbase3, pdf, or txt file to locate information for licensed Child Care Centers and Small Group Homes in State of Arizona.
View this State of Arizona Department of Health Services listing to search for deficiencies found against child care facilities and providers. Also locate records by provider or licensee name, location, and also the type.
Look through this State of Arizona Board of Chiropractic Examiners listing for licensed State of Arizona chiropractors by either the name, license number, or city.
Select "Superior Court Calendars" to obtain information on the Cochise County, State of Arizona court calendars.
Look up recorded document information in Cochise County, State of Arizona by either the reception #, book & page, name, lot/block/subdivision, section/township/range, or by also the parcel number.
Look through the Coconino County, State of Arizona court calendars by the division.
Glance through the Coconino County, State of Arizona website for property information by either the parcel number, owner name, or date range to obtain property data and interactive geographic information system (GIS) interactive maps.
Look up information on recorded documents in Coconino County, State of Arizona, by either the Instrument #, Docket, Page, Recording Date, Document Group, Document Code, Grantor/Grantee, Name, and/or Date.
Search by either the name for licensed Collection Agencies in State of Arizona. Information provides the name, home office number, address & phone, and date started.
Locate information by the name for licensed Commercial Mortgage Bankers in State of Arizona. Information gives the name, home office number, address & phone, and also the date started.
Locate by either the name for licensed Consumer Lenders in the State of Arizona. Information gives the name, home office number, address & phone, and date started.
Locate information by the Company Name and/or Personnel for licensed Contractors in State of Arizona. Information given includes the name, license number, status, bond information, address, license class, entity, license dates, qualifying party, and complaint information.
View this State of Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners website to obtain information for the State of Arizona counselor license. Search by either the license type, license number, last name, city, or keyword.
View this State of Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners website to search for complaints about and disciplinary actions taken against licensed Counselors.
Select "State of Arizona Certified Court Reporters" to locate information by alphabetical listing for the State of Arizona certified court reporters. Information gives certification number.
Search through alphabetically by either the name for licensed Credit Unions in State of Arizona. Information gives the name, home office number, address & phone, and date started.
Look through the Arizona Public Access to Court Information website for State of Arizona criminal court records.
View information on who may order and how to order criminal background checks in the State of Arizona from the Department of Public Safety.
Locate information for the State of Arizona death certificates filed between the years 1870 and 1951 and also may view certificate images.
Browse the State of Arizona Department of Health Services Genealogy listings for death certificates after the year 1844. May locate the State of Arizona law certificates that aren't made available until 50 years after the date of death.
Find information from the State of Arizona death and burial records for the years 1910, 1911, and also years 1933 through 1994.
Search by the name for licensed Debt Management Companies in State of Arizona. Information gives the name, home office number, address & phone, and also date started.
Locate by the name for licensed Debt Management Companies in State of Arizona. Information gives the name, home office number, address & phone, and also the date started.
Search through this listing of State of Arizona licensed Psychologists that were disciplined by the State of Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners.
Browse the licensed Dispensing Audiologists in State of Arizona by either the name, address, city, zip code, or by the provider type.
Find and order official State of Arizona divorce records from the website VitalChek.
View this State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration website to locate licensed Drug Lab Cleanup Firms by either business name, registration number, discipline, or zip code; or search the listing by name.
View the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration website to locate licensed Drug Lab On-Site Supervisors by either using the last name, registration number, discipline, or by the zip code; or lookup by the name.
Locate through the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration website to look for licensed Drug Lab On-Site Workers by either using the last name, registration number, discipline, or also by using the zip code; or the listing by name.
Look through the American Electrology Association's member listing by name, address or city to obtain contact information for electrologists in State of Arizona.
Obtain information from the State of Arizona Department of Health Services yearly listings of EMT disciplinary/enforcement actions to find the EMT name, certification number and any other action date/description.
Obtain information from the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listing of licensed engineering firms by either the name and/or zip code or locate by using the index to gather information including firm name, services offered, officers, address and # of branches.
Look through the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listing of licensed engineers by either using the last name, registration # and zip code or may locate by using the index to gather corresponding information, address, license status & dates registered.
Search through the listing by the name for licensed Escrow Agents in State of Arizona. Information provides the name, home office number, address & phone, and also the date started.
Gather information from the State of Arizona Department of Agriculture's listing of Feed Companies that are licensed to sell feed by either the dealer name, license number, city, or by zip code.
Gather the neccessary information from the State of Arizona Department of Agriculture's listing of Fertilizer Dealers that are licensed to sell fertilizer by using the dealer name, license number, city, or zip code.
Go through this website to locate information from the State of Arizona Department of Financial Institutions which provides a listings of licensees according to the type of license.
Gather information from the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listing for licensed fire protection firms by either using the name or zip code or may gather by using the index to locate information including the firm name, services offered, officers, address and # of branches.
Look through the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration listing of licensed fire protection professionals by either the last name, registration number or also the zip code or may also obtain information by using the index to gather corresponding information, address, license status, etc.
Locate information from the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration listing by either using the name for delinquent or lapse jeopardy Fire Protection Professional licensees.
Gather information on foreclosed properties in the State of Arizona by using the county.
Look through the listing for licensed embalmers in State of Arizona by using the last name or either by the city.
Gather information for licensed funeral directors in the State of Arizona by either using the last name or city.
Locate information from the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listing of licensed geologists by either using the last name, registration number or the zip code . May also search by alphabetical index to obtaiin corresponding information, address, license status and also the dates registered.
Look through the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration listing by the name for delinquent or lapse jeopardy Fire Protection Professional licensees.
Browse by the State of Arizona Board of Technical Registration's listing for licensed geology firms by either the name and/or zip code or obtain information by viewing the index to gather information including the firm name, services offered, officers, address and # of branches.
Locate the Gila County, State of Arizona Assessor's records for property information by either using the parcel number, address, or owner name.
Browse through the recorded documents in Gila County, State of Arizona, by obtaining information by using the Instrument number, Docket, Page, Recording Date, Document Group, Document Code, Grantor/Grantee, Name, or also Date.
View the most wanted fugitive posters that was issued by the Glendale, State of Arizona Police Department.
Look through the Graham County, State of Arizona property assessor listing by name, address or even the parcel number to obtain corresponding information, improvements, sales, assessment/value info, legal description and any other details.
View information from the Graham County, State of Arizona website for property information by owner name, parcel name, or address, and view interactive GIS maps.
Browse the Graham County, State of Arizona recorded document such as deeds, mortgages, liens, by either the reception date, document type, document name, or legal description.